
On this page you will find some related software packaged in the RPM format, for convenience. The actual software itself is not developed or maintained by the author of DialogPalette; for more information regarding the applications below, please visit their home pages (under the links section). The author does, however, maintain the Fedora packages for eSpeak and Flite.

The binary RPMs on this page were built for Fedora Core 4 and other older distributions. For later versions of Fedora (5, 6, 7), simply use the yum package manager to install them, as the packages now part of the Fedora Extras repository. For other RPM-based distributions (Mandriva, Suse, CentOS, etc), I would suggest either using the newest Fedora RPM or downloading the source RPM from Fedora and rebuilding it on your system; these RPMs can be found here.

eSpeak text-to-speech engine

Fedora 5 and later, type: yum install espeak

espeak-1.09-2.fc4.i386.rpm - Fedora Core 4 RPM
espeak-1.09-2.src.rpm - Source RPM

eSpeak Source RPM: Available here

Flite text-to-speech engine

Fedora 5 and later, type: yum install flite

flite-1.3-1.aah.i386.rpm - Asterisk@Home (CentOS 4.2) RPM: Flite binary and shared libraries
flite-devel-1.3-1.aah.i386.rpm - Asterisk@Home (CentOS 4.2) RPM: Development header files

Flite Source RPM: Available here

The following patches are not needed if you are using the Fedora/Source RPMs, as they are already included. They are useful if you are building Flite from tar.gz source.

Flite 1.3 Makefile Shared Objects Patch: The following patch file is needed to correct Flite 1.3's Makefile if you want to build it from source (you do not need this if you are using any of the above RPMs, only if building flite from source tar.gz): flite-1.3-sharedlibs.patch

Flite 1.3 ALSA Support Patch: The following patch adds ALSA support to Flite 1.3. Thanks to Lukas Loehrer for this patch! flite-1.3-alsa_support.patch