
Please note: Development on the DialogPalette development tool is currently suspended. The text-to-speech modules originally developed as part of this project are still in active development though; see the "download" page for more info.

DialogPalette is a powerful and easy to use integrated development environment for visually creating telephonic IVR applications running on the Asterisk open-source software PBX.

DialogPalette utilizes an intuitive mouse-driven interface in conjunction with dynamic support dialogs and flexible application "building blocks", called Event Nodes, to graphically create speech-based applications.

Traditionally, developing telephonic speech applications requires hours of programming and studying cryptic grammar and transition scripting languages. Furthermore, debugging such applications can be problematic and time consuming, as often the application must first be deployed on a remote server in order to be tested.

To solve this problem, DialogPalette integrates Asterisk into its design environment, using the computer's sound card and microphone to accurately simulate a caller's experience when interacting with your application, while allowing you to graphically follow the call flow via an on-screen canvas. As with everything else in DialogPalette, it is extremely easy to run your application at any time - it is literally only one click away!